DATA DRIVEN VIEWPOINT: The following is an abridged version of a report from the Center
on Budget and Policy that assesses the impact of Congressman Ryan's budget on state and local budgets. In a nutshell, the impact would be devastating. Check it out then go to the original or download the PDF file
Package That Lacks Significant Revenues Would Shift Very Substantial Costs to
States and Localities
of this report (20pp.)
Ryan Budget Cuts to State and Local Services Would Be Far
Deeper than Cuts Under Sequestration
If it fails to include significant new revenues, a major
legislative package to shrink federal deficits would almost certainly make deep
cuts in federal funds that support states and localities as they perform many
basic public functions, including educating children, building roads and
bridges, protecting public health, and providing law enforcement. [snip]
The House-passed budget from Budget Committee
Chairman Paul Ryan is indicative of the sort of approach Congress likely would
take if it rejects a balanced approach to deficit reduction that includes
significant revenues:
The Ryan budget would heavily shift
costs to states by cutting Medicaid funding. It would cut federal funding for the
federal-state Medicaid program by 34 percent [snip]
The Ryan budget would impose deep cuts
in funding for a wide range of other state and local services, as well.
- The Ryan budget also would cut non-defense “discretionary” (i.e.
non-entitlement) funding by 22 percent in 2014 [snip]
- If funding for these grants to state and local governments is cut
by 22 percent, in line with the cut to overall non-defense discretionary
funding, states and localities would lose nearly $28 billion in 2014 [snip]
Cuts in funding for state and local
governments under the Ryan plan would be much deeper than the automatic cuts
(or “sequestration”) scheduled to begin in January. The BCA not only established caps that will require
cuts in funding for defense and non-defense discretionary programs over the
next nine years, but also established a mechanism that would require additional
cuts — through a process called “sequestration” — in defense and non-defense
discretionary funding [snip]
The Ryan budget cuts likely would bring
funding for state and local services far below historical levels. By 2021, the
Ryan budget would reduce discretionary state and local grants to an estimated
0.6 percent of GDP,less than half the average of the last 35 years.
Cuts of such magnitude would force states and
localities to reduce the quality and reach of their basic public systems —
their schools, clean water facilities, and law enforcement activities, for
example — or raise new revenue or cut other programs to continue meeting these
needs. Either way, the result would be a huge cost shift from the federal
government to states and localities. By contrast, if Congress adopts a
balanced deficit-reduction plan that includes significant new revenues, the
resulting cost shift to states and localities almost certainly would be far
Without Revenues, Aid to States and Localities Likely Will Face
Massive Cuts
The leaders of both parties, including
President Obama, broadly concur that at least $3 trillion in deficit reduction
is required over the coming decade (on top of the roughly $1 trillion in cuts
to discretionary spending already required under the Budget Control Act) to
stop the debt from growing faster than the economy. This step is
necessary because debt that persistently rises relative to the size of the
economy is unsustainable and ultimately may pose threats to the nation’s
financial stability and longer-term growth.
leaders have also signaled they believe it is appropriate to avoid major cuts
in Social Security and Medicare benefits for current beneficiaries or those
near retirement, meaning that any large savings from those programs would not occur
until subsequent decades.[1]
In addition, policymakers are unlikely to cut defense spending much if at all
below the BCA cap levels. The strong opposition voiced to the cuts in
defense that would occur if the pending sequestration takes effect, and the
fact that many policymakers are calling for increases above the BCA cap levels, show
how unlikely such cuts are.
As such, there are only two major parts of the
federal budget left from which the bulk of the savings in any plan that does
not include significant new revenue would have to come:
Non-defense discretionary programs, that is,
programs subject to annual appropriations. Funding for
services administered by states and localities such as transportation, K-12
education, water treatment, and various health care services (as distinguished
from Medicaid) accounts for about one-third of federal non-defense
discretionary spending. Many of the remaining non-defense discretionary
programs support core federal functions, such as funding for the National
Institutes for Health, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, national parks,
food safety, and border protection.
Entitlements other than Social Security and
Medicare. About two thirds of the spending in this category is for
programs that reduce poverty and promote opportunity, such as Medicaid, SNAP
(formerly known as food stamps), assistance for disabled veterans, and a range
of other programs that are targeted to low-income people
States Already Are
Hurting; More Cuts Would Further Slow Economic Recovery
The Ryan budget’s deep
cuts in funding to states and local governments to carry out various functions
would come at a time when states and localities already are hobbled by the
recession and sluggish recovery. Further cuts would make it even harder for
states and localities to repair the budgetary damage carried by the recession
and would assure that state and local cuts continue to be a drag on the
national economy’s recovery.
The Great Recession
that started in 2007 caused the largest collapse in state revenues on
record. Since bottoming out in 2010, revenues have begun to grow again
but are still far from fully recovered. As of the first quarter of 2012,
state revenues remained 5.5 percent below pre-recession levels adjusted for
inflation, and are not growing fast enough to recover fully any time soon.
Meanwhile, states’
education and health care obligations continue to grow. States expect to
educate 540,000 more K-12 students and 2.5 million more public college and
university students in the upcoming school year than in 2007-08.a In addition, 4.8 million more
people are projected to be eligible for subsidized health insurance through
Medicaid in 2012 than were enrolled in 2008, as some employers have dropped
their coverage and people have lost jobs and wages.b
States have been
forced to close enormous budget shortfalls totaling nearly $600 billion since
the 2009 fiscal year.c The
actions that states have taken to close these budget gaps, primarily spending
cuts, have imposed a significant drag on the economic recovery. Since the
recession took hold in August 2008, state and local governments have shed
675,000 jobs. [snip]
The Ryan Budget Illustrates Threat to States and Localities of a
Cuts-Only Approach
The budget proposed earlier this year by House
Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, and passed by the House, illustrates the
likely impact on states if federal policymakers do not take a balanced approach
to deficit reduction. Major bipartisan deficit reduction proposals, such
as the proposal put forward by a majority of the members of the Bowles-Simpson
commission and the proposal issued by a Bipartisan Policy Center task force
headed by Alice Rivlin and former Senator Pete Domenici, would raise taxes
substantially as well as cutting spending in order to shrink the federal
deficit. The Ryan budget, by contrast, includes no new revenues.
the same time, the Ryan budget would impose massive federal spending cuts
totaling a whopping $5.3 trillion (not including interest savings) over the
next ten years. Most of Ryan’s budget cuts would come from repealing the
Affordable Care Act (ACA), cutting non-defense discretionary programs deeply,
and cutting Medicaid and other programs that reduce poverty and inequality.[2]
The Ryan plan would cut non-defense
discretionary programs nearly $1.2 trillion below the already tough annual
budget caps imposed on these programs by the Budget Control Act. Under
the Ryan budget, funding for these programs would be cut by an additional 22
percent in 2014 and later years beyond the cuts already needed to comply with
the BCA caps.
If grants to state and local governments were
cut by the same 22 percent that non-defense discretionary funding as a whole
would be reduced, then states and localities would lose nearly $28 billion in
2014 alone. Over the nine years through 2021, states and localities would
absorb a cumulative federal funding cut of $247 billion. [snip]
In addition to
imposing deep cuts to non-defense discretionary programs, the Ryan budget also
imposes a number of other severe cuts, including some with major implications
for state budgets. These include cutting federal Medicaid funding by 34
percent by 2022 (on top of repealing the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid
expansion) and by still larger amounts in subsequent decades. As the
Congressional Budget Office explains, the magnitude of the Medicaid and
Children’s Health Insurance Program cuts in the Ryan budget “means that states
would need to increase their spending on these programs, make considerable
cutbacks in them, or both.”[3]
Ryan Budget Cuts Much Deeper Than Sequestration
Budget Control Act (BCA) established annual funding caps that will necessitate
significant reductions in both non-defense and defense discretionary
spending. The BCA also requires a further round of cuts known as
“sequestration,” starting in January 2013.[4] Much
attention has been paid to the effects of sequestration, but the Ryan budget
would impose cuts far deeper than those scheduled under sequestration.

Those cuts are substantial, but the Ryan
budget would cut non-defense discretionary programs much more deeply — by about
22 percent below the BCA caps, starting in 2014 — and would not diminish over
the next decade.
is, in 2014 the overall cuts in funding for non-defense discretionary programs
under the Ryan budget would bethree times as deep as the cuts scheduled
under sequestration. In later years the difference is even larger.
States and localities are justifiably worried about sequestration’s major
federal funding cuts; but if federal policymakers enact a deficit reduction
plan that relies entirely or almost entirely on spending cuts, the damage to
state and local aid likely will be much more severe.
Ryan Budget Would Cut Discretionary Aid Far Below Historical
The Ryan budget likely would cut discretionary
spending so heavily that this funding would fall far below historical levels
over the coming decade.
Even the current caps on discretionary
spending under the Budget Control Act (BCA) would cut federal discretionary
funding for states and localities significantly as a share of the economy.
Assuming the cuts to state and local aid are proportional to the cuts in
non-defense discretionary funding overall, they would bring federal funding to
states and local governments through discretionary programs to the lowest
levels in four decades, measured as a share of the economy — even without
difficult as the current spending caps will be for states and localities, the
Ryan budget would impose much deeper cutbacks. Since 1976, federal
discretionary funding to states and localities has averaged 1.4 percent of the
nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). By 2021, the Ryan budget would
reduce this funding to about 0.6 percent of GDP, less
than half the historical
average and well below the BCA caps. (In 2021, under the BCA caps,
discretionary funding to states and localities would be about 0.9 percent of
Deep Cuts to Discretionary Funding Would Shift Costs to States
and Localities
Federal discretionary grants to states and
localities finance a number of national priorities. More than a quarter
of federal discretionary grant funding for states and localities supports
transportation projects — mainly road and bridge construction, planning, and
repair. Another quarter goes to education. Thus, more than half of
federal discretionary grants to states help pay for education or transportation
projects — two functions of state and local governments that are basic building
blocks of the future economy.
The remainder of federal discretionary grant
funding helps states and localities undertake a wide range of other important
functions, including protecting waterways from sewage contamination, protecting
public safety, reducing homelessness, revitalizing run-down neighborhoods,
providing technical job skills training to community college students and
others, and responding after disasters.
To be sure, states and localities bear
a heavy responsibility themselves to finance these areas of spending, and even
after years of state and local budget cuts, state and local taxes still provide
the lion’s share of the funding for most of these services. But state and
local tax revenue remains depressed by the recession and is unlikely to recover
soon, much less to grow anywhere near fast enough to make up for substantial
new federal cutbacks.
Cutting this funding deeply — as would likely
occur under the Ryan budget — would force states and localities to lay off
people who perform these functions and to cut spending in these areas in other
ways, or else to raise substantial new revenue in-state to continue addressing
these needs. Either way, the result would be a large cost shift from the
federal government to states and localities.
Over a quarter (28 percent) of federal
discretionary grants to states helps build and improve roads and other
transportation systems. These projects are crucial to the nation’s
economic health, since businesses require efficient transportation systems to
get their products to market in a timely way, and workers use these systems to
commute to their jobs. Cutting federal support for these projects would
shift costs to states and localities, which would have to choose between
raising more revenue in-state or reducing their future transportation
investments and absorbing the indirect cost to their economies and quality of
Road and bridge planning, construction,
and rehabilitation. Some 73 percent of federal aid for
state transportation programs goes to help states plan, build, and make major
repairs to their roads and bridges. These programs help assure that the
National Highway System, which carries about 85 percent of the vehicle miles
driven nationally each year, continues to efficiently transport goods and
people as the economy grows over time.[5]
Public transit. Federal grants
for public transit have provided an average of $8 billion a year over the last
decade to help plan, upgrade, and (in small urban areas) operate bus and rail
transit systems and other forms of public transportation. Other programs
help people who have disabilities or are elderly to access public transit,
promote job access for low-income commuters, and develop pathways for cyclists
and pedestrians.
Ryan Budget Would
Impose Additional Cuts to Transportation Aid
The Ryan budget would
impose substantial cuts to highways and other transportation aid for states and
localities. These cuts would come on top of the large cuts to other forms
of state and local funding discussed in this paper.
Unlike other
discretionary grant funding, funding for state and local transportation
projects such as building highways and new airport runways is not affected by
the spending caps imposed last year under the Budget Control Act (this funding
is outside the caps), and is exempt from sequestration. As such, estimating
how much states and localities would lose in transportation funding requires a
different methodology than other forms of discretionary funds for which the BCA
spending caps provide an appropriate baseline.
In 2014, the Ryan
budget would reduce discretionary aid to states and localities for
transportation projects by about 20 percent — about $12 billion — relative to
2012 levels adjusted for inflation.a Over the next nine years, the Ryan
budget would require about $194 billion in cumulative cuts to state and local
transportation aid, relative to current levels adjusted for inflation.
These cuts would come
on top of the Ryan budget’s cuts to other forms of discretionary spending,
which total $247 billion through 2021, relative to the current BCA spending
a See methodological appendix for a description of how these
estimates were developed.
Airports. In 2011, these
funds financed over 2,000 projects at airports around the country to improve
runways and to accommodate growth in flights, passengers, and the size of
Another quarter of the value of federal
discretionary grants goes to help states educate children. These funds
mostly end up with elementary and high schools, primarily to help them educate
children from low-income families and children with learning disorders and
other types of disabilities. The funds also go to agencies that provide
preschool education to low-income children through the Head Start program, and
to school districts to help them train better teachers and reduce class sizes.
If these federal grants are reduced sharply,
as they would be under the Ryan budget, states and local governments will be
forced to choose between increasing their own spending to protect their schools
or allowing their schools to take the financial hit, which could damage the
quality of their education systems.
Cutting this funding would hurt high-poverty
schools the most, since the federal aid is targeted disproportionately to those
schools. That could undermine education reform efforts in many states and
deepen already disturbing inequities in the educations received by children
from families of varying income levels. Heavy cuts to Head Start would
deepen these problems further by allowing many thousands of low-income children
nationally to start kindergarten less prepared than they otherwise would be. [snip]
Major education programs threatened with deep
cuts under the Ryan budget include:
High-poverty schools (Title I). Title I
provides financial assistance to schools with high numbers or percentages of
children from low-income families, to help these children meet state academic
standards. Some 56,000 schools nationally received this funding in 2009,
helping them educate 21 million children that year.[8]
Special education (IDEA). Funding
through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act provides federal
support to schools to help them educate children with learning disorders,
speech impairments, and other disabilities. Some 6.5 million children
nationally received specialized learning assistance through this funding in
Pre-school programs provided through
Head Start. Head Start promotes school readiness among at-risk
children up to age 5 by enhancing social and cognitive development through
education, health, nutritional, and other services and by engaging families in
children’s learning. Early Head
Start serves children from birth to age 3 and some pregnant women.
Together, these programs served 904,000 children nationally in 2009.[10]
Improving teacher quality. The U.S.
Department of Education provides grants to states and school districts to improve
the quality of teaching in their schools. School districts with the
highest poverty levels receive a disproportionately large share of the funds.
Most of the grant money is spent on training programs to help teachers be
more effective and to reduce class sizes (by employing more teachers).
School districts used this funding to pay the salaries of over 14,000
teachers nationally to reduce class sizes in the 2011-12 school year.[11]
Impact Aid. These funds
provide support to school districts near military bases, Indian lands, or other
types of property that cannot be taxed by the school district. In 2008,
over 900,000 students attended schools that received this aid. Nearly 40
percent of them were children from military families.[12]
Housing and Community Development
Another 20 percent of discretionary grant
funding to states and local entities goes to housing and community development
programs. Most of this funding is used to help low-income renters find
housing they can afford. The biggest program in this category, known as
“Section 8,” is really two programs, one of which provides low-income
renters with vouchers they can use to help them afford the rent on modest
apartments, and the second of which directly funds private property
owners to offer units to low-income people at affordable rental charges.
The category also includes funding for energy assistance payments that
help low-income people pay their heating and cooling bills; community
development programs that — among other things —revitalize blighted neighborhoods
and build public infrastructure such as sewer systems and recreation centers;
and public housing.[snip]
The major housing and community development
programs threatened with large cuts under the Ryan budget include:
Rental assistance for low-income people. The Housing
Choice Voucher program, the principal component of “Section 8” provides
vouchers that nearly 2.2 million low-income families use to defray part of the
rent on a modest apartment or other home in the private retail market.
Roughly half of the low-income households benefiting are headed by
seniors or people with disabilities; most of the rest are families with
The other “Section 8” program, the Project-Based Rental Assistance (PBRA) program, provides rental assistance payments to private owners of 1.2 million units of affordable housing. Two-thirds of the residents of these housing units are low-income seniors or people with disabilities.[13]
The other “Section 8” program, the Project-Based Rental Assistance (PBRA) program, provides rental assistance payments to private owners of 1.2 million units of affordable housing. Two-thirds of the residents of these housing units are low-income seniors or people with disabilities.[13]
Assistance for paying heating or
cooling bills (through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, or
LIHEAP). Many low-income people receive help paying their home
energy bills through this program. In 2008, 6.9 million people nationally
received this assistance.[14]
Community Development Block Grants. States,
cities, and counties use this funding to revitalize deteriorating
neighborhoods, improve water and sewer systems, and build community centers,
youth centers and libraries, and a range of other public infrastructure
Public Housing.Public housing
provides affordable homes to 1.1 million of the nation’s poorest residents.
More than half of these households are headed by seniors or people with
Health and Environment
Some 13 percent of discretionary aid to states
and localities funds states to provide nutrition to low-income newborns and
expecting mothers, protect waterways from sewage contamination, prevent and
treat addictions, provide health care to people with limited access to it, and
do a range of other things that protect the public’s health or the environment.
Deep cuts to this funding would force states
and localities to choose between using more of their own funds to sustain these
efforts and allowing the programs to diminish. If states and localities
replaced the lost funds with their own revenues, the cost shift would be
direct. [snip]
Nutrition support for new and expecting
mothers, and for their young children (WIC). The Special
Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children provides
nutritious food and nutritional education (including breastfeeding education
and support) to new and expecting low-income mothers, including those with
children under age 5. In an average month in 2010, the program —
delivered by thousands of agencies and health clinics across the country —
served over 2 million low-income women and 7 million infants and children.
Clean Water State Revolving Fund. Every state
operates a revolving loan program — paid for mostly with federal money — that
funds wastewater treatment projects, sewer projects, and other infrastructure
that protects and restores the health of rivers, lakes, and estuaries. In
2009, these funds allowed for agreements to support nearly 2,000 clean water
projects and over $5 billion in loans.
Mental health and substance abuse
services. These grants help states prevent and treat alcohol and
drug abuse and provide community mental health services to adults and children
with serious mental illness. In 2008, over two million individuals
attended substance abuse facilities that received federal funding; over six
million received federally supported mental health services.
Community Health Centers. These
non-profit facilities provide primary-care medical services to people with
limited access to health care. In 2010, more than 8,000 centers
nationally provided medical care to over 19 million patients, many of them
Another 6 percent of federal discretionary
funding provided to states and localities goes to help state and local
governments train, protect, and build stronger workforces. [snip]
Training and Employment Services.State and local
governments receive these grantsto provide job search and placement assistance,
occupational training, and career counseling to unemployed adult workers and to
low-income youth who need help building their skills.[21]
Child care subsidies for low-income
working parents. These funds subsidize child care for low-income parents
so they can find and keep a job. In 2010, the subsidies helped 1 million
parents find child care.
Adult and vocational education. Adult education
classes help people get the basic skills they need to be productive as workers
(and in their families and communities); for example, these classes may help
people learn to read, do basic math, get a GED, or speak English. In
2009, 2.4 million people participated in classes to learn these sorts of basic
skills. Vocational
education funds pay for technical and vocational education for high school and
community college students, giving them skills they can carry into the
Unemployment Insurance administration. These funds
help finance the administration of state unemployment insurance programs.
Public Safety and Disaster Response
States and local areas hit by natural
disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, wildfires, and tornadoes
often seek help from the federal government. [snip]
Federal discretionary funds also help states,
cities, and other local governments hire police officers. Big cuts in
funds to hire police officers would shift more of the cost of hiring these
officers to state and local budgets.
Disaster relief.Last year, the
President declared 99 major disasters, which enables federal disaster assistance
to be provided for states, localities, and affected individuals.[24]
Justice Assistance Grants (JAG). Most of these
grants go to help local law enforcement agencies train police officers, supply
them with police cars, bullet proof vests, and other equipment, cover overtime,
and deter crime. The rest helps states and localities operate other aspects of
their criminal justice systems, including prosecuting criminals, taking other
actions to reduce crime, and protecting victims and witnesses.[25]
Funds to hire state & local police
officers (COPS). These funds help state and
local law enforcement agencies hire police officers. In 2011, these
grants helped to fund or maintain over 1,000 law enforcement positions
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