Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Our Climate Has Changed, and So Must We

by Brian T. Lynch, MSW

Massive wildfires, droughts, intense tropical storms, massive rainstorms causing epic floods, and rising oceans are already baked into the coming decades due to carbon dioxide we’ve already dumped into the air. This is the certain conclusion documented in the most recent United Nations, IPCC AR6 Climate Change 2021 Report.

Locally changing climate patterns are already evident to us here in the Highlands. We don’t need scientists to tell us what we can already see; Heat waves, higher water temperatures, toxic algae blooms, lakes that don’t freeze solid, tropical-like rainstorms followed by long periods with little or no rain, plants that start to bud in winter, cloudy cover that can last for days without bringing any rain, strong and frequent windstorms, the list goes on.

Scientists who study these things tell us these patterns are here to stay and will grow more severe over time. How will these changes affect us locally? What impacts can we expect on our food, water, and wildlife? If we anticipate the impacts, can we act now to mitigate the consequences?

The answer seems to be a qualified yes! One big qualifier is the need to reduce carbon emissions. Now! starting today! We can’t let the root causes grow worse.

Collectively, humanity needs to become carbon neutral very soon. As individuals, there are things we can do to help lower admissions. We can install rooftop solar electric systems, install LED lighting, increase the insulation in our homes and businesses, switch to electric cars, energy-efficient appliances, and electric-powered lawnmowers, etc. Pressing our community members and our governments for bigger systemic changes is also a must. But regional weather patterns have already changed. We need to understand what we are facing and how we might avoid the worst consequences. We must act now.

I want to be a better environmental steward and do my part. I want to share what I am learning and doing to make a sustainable difference in the hope that you join me or help guide me if you are further along in implementing sustainable practices in your life.



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