Showing posts with label Living wage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Living wage. Show all posts

Saturday, February 1, 2020

A Solution to "Sh*t-Life Syndrome" in America

by Brian T. Lynch, MSW

I shared on Facebook a recent article at the CounterPunch Website by Bruce E. Levine titled, “Sh*t-Life Syndrome,” Trump Voters, and Clueless Dems. I got back a surprising question from a conservative friend and Trump supporter. He asked, “What is your solution to this problem?

I will offer one solution below, but first, let’s define the problem. You can read the above article for yourself, but the premise of it is stated in the first sentence:

“Getting rid of Trump means taking seriously “sh*t-life syndrome”—and its resulting misery, which includes suicide, drug overdose death, and trauma for surviving communities.”

The author goes on to say,

“The Brookings Institution, in November 2019, reported: “53 million Americans between the ages of 18 to 64—accounting for 44% of all workers—qualify as ‘low-wage.’ Their median hourly wages are $10.22, and median annual earnings are about $18,000… For most of these low-wage workers… “Finding meaning in life is close to impossible; the struggle to survive commands all intellectual and emotional resources.” 

That last statement also explains part of the reason 91.7 million eligible voters didn’t vote in the 2016 election. So many of them are barely hanging on day-to-day. I have written elsewhere that for decades neither political party has addressed the needs of the 45% of all Americans who live below the middle-class. These are the people who stopped voting. Referring to non-voters, I have written elsewhere:

“For too long politics has failed to make any difference in their lives. It doesn't matter which party is in power. Nobody cares about them. For the past 30 years, politicians have only cared about the middle-class or special interest groups. Even after 10% of the voters voted for the first time in the 2016 election, 40% of all eligible voters still didn't vote. We can do better because much of this 40% were once a big part of the Democratic base. We stopped attending to the needs of the poor and working class.”

What is the solution?
No one has all of the solutions figured out, but we can start by valuing everyone who works for a living. We can start by paying the lowest wage workers a living wage for a week’s work. Hear me out.

A living wage is a market-based minimum wage index. It isn’t an arbitrary, one-size-fits-all government number. A living wage respects all regional economic conditions. A living wage in Biloxi would be lower than a living wage in the Bronx because of their different cost of living conditions. A living wage law would require business owners to provide their lowest-paid employees a sufficient wage package for full-time work so that a low wage employee is not dependent on taxpayer assistance for housing, food, essential transportation or medicine. It wouldn’t pay a mortgage, or for vacations or luxury items. It doesn’t replace competitive, merit-based wage compensation for the rest of the experienced or more skilled workforce. It sets a wage floor below which workers financially qualify for public assistance (aid to the working poor). It set the wage minimum at a level that makes an employee marginally self-sufficient and therefore it maintains the dignity of work.

Most people already agree that we must end wasteful taxpayer subsidies to wealthy corporations for all sorts of tax breaks they receive. We should start by ending labor subsidies for low pay workers in America. Let’s end government assistance to the working poor by making Corporations pay their low-wage workers enough so taxpayers don’t have to supplement workers’ income to pay the rent, put food on the table, care for their children while they work, or pay for a doctor and medicine every time their kid gets sick. When we pay a living wage to low wage parents, it frees them up to be better parents and good role models to their children.

Every time the government steps in to pay for necessities it is degrading for the workers who must request this assistance. It says to them that their employer doesn’t recognize their true worth. Their employers won’t even pay them the bare minimum it takes to live a life. This takes a toll on a worker’s self-esteem. It often forces them to work overtime or take a second job to make ends meet.
When the working poor and working-class families try and get off government assistance they are often forced to work more hours. They become absentee parents by degree. Without parental supervision, their children are less disciplined and more peer-influenced. Their children might stop doing their homework, for instance, or lose their focus on school making them less successful in school and in life. When parents aren’t home to structure their time children may start hanging out with the wrong crowd. They face greater temptations and risky behaviors that lead them into a vicious cycle of declining prospects, and the “sh*t-life syndrome” is passed along to another generation.

It traces back to the degradation and loss of dignity that so many Americans experience when they are unable to make a viable living in the world’s richest nation. The enormous wealth-gap and the huge compensation paid to CEOs in this country are all evidence that the money is there for the working poor. Paying the lowest wage worker, a living wage wouldn’t even leave a dent on the highest-paid corporate leaders or wealthiest Americans.


And for the 40% who can't imagine attaining a middle-class life or a politician really caring about them or their community, I offer this poem read on video by its author, the late, great Maya Angelou:

Thursday, December 26, 2019

History of Wages in America

By Brian T. Lynch, MSW

A conservative friend of mine was astonished to learn that a couple with two children in his town would need an income of $57,000 per year to live there. “I'm a CPA and I've had partners who didn't make $57,000 some years,” he said.

That sounds about right, yet we have come to the point where a living wage, defined as the minimum hourly income necessary for a worker to afford basic needs, is close to the U.S. median family income. Nearly half of the US workforce is unable to meet all of their family's basic needs without some assistance from relatives or the government.

"Everyone" can't be above average,” he protested. “If we set the poverty line or living wage standards above the average American income, the government could NEVER provide [enough for the poor].”
First, living wage standards are not set by the government. They are set by the market place where people spend their wages on the goods and services they need. Living wages are calculated based on the cost of food, shelter, clothing, medical care, transportation, and other necessities for living. These essential requirements have a free market price tag that varies from place to place. The poverty line, on the other hand, is an arbitrary federal government measure used to determine who may be eligible for government financial subsidy, among other uses. It is a single value that does not take local economies into account.

Second, his response assumes that it is the government’s role to subsidize America’s workforce. On the contrary, it is, and ought to be, the responsibility of employers and business owners to maintain strong communities and a stable, well-compensated workforce. When families can no longer afford to meet their basic needs in a given location they either migrate to places where their prospects are better or they devolve to survive and the social order breaks down. Either way, businesses suffer when this happens. Ultimately, commerce and markets cannot exist without solid communities and a stable, healthy workforce. When businesses shirk their responsibility to properly compensate employees, governments step in to help stabilize the workforce. This amounts to a hidden business tax subsidy.

Local communities are the medium from which businesses are created and through which commerce thrives. When most businesses were locally owned this truth was self-evident. Local employers took pride in the standard of living they provided their employees. Business owners were community-minded and proud of the beneficial impact they had in their home towns. Conservative Republican values were once rooted in the welfare of local economies.

As businesses became more regional and less dependent on local economies, pressure from organized labor unions helped maintain a reasonable standard of living for the workforce. This helped to keep local economies strong, which was ultimately good for business. With the rise of national and global corporations, however, the connection between corporate wellbeing and local community wellbeing has broken down. Large corporations are able to exploit local economies and then move on to new locations when a local economy falters. Large corporations have the power to control politicians, overcome unions and raise profits by lowering labor costs. Because of reduced reliance on local economies for their success, global companies enjoy an autonomy that didn’t exist before. This has given rise to self-serving corporate cultures and free-market philosophies centered around profits over people. The expansion of the welfare state to bridge the growing gap between lowered wages and rising prices has helped ease the conscience of business owners and investors during the transition to this new corporate culture.

But the really big point missing here is that median wages have fallen too low in America. The big story, from all which public discourse on the economy seems designed to distract us, is that American workers need a raise. Incomes have declined substantially relative to the costs of basic goods and services. This decline in American wages is neither accidental, nor inevitable. The flattening of American wages was done by design at a specific time in our history. The graph below shows that the decline in wages corresponds with the decoupling of worker compensation from the rise of hourly productivity. [see also]

Based on this graph it is obvious that the rise in hourly compensation dramatically diverged from the rise in productivity per hour in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Hourly compensation has barely risen since then. This decoupling of wages from productivity coincides with the establishment of industry trade organizations, the creation of extensive business lobbies and a nearly inverse decline in the membership and influence of labor unions. It shifted compensation for growing productivity to top corporate management and wealthy investors. This shift, coupled with dramatic income tax cuts for the rich in 1980 and 1985 are the root cause of the large income inequality today.

While productivity rates increased 250% since World War II, hourly compensation only increased by 130% nearly all of which occurred before 1977. (The tiny increase around 2007 may reflect the increase in the federal minimum wage that year.) If wages had kept pace with worker productivity since 1977 the median income in America today would be more like $100,000 per year. Extra consumer spending capacity would put upward pressure on prices if that happened, but the relationship between discretionary income and consumer prices is neither linear or direct. In other words, the price of goods and services might be higher, but not in proportion to the increased income.

As mentioned earlier, when families can no longer afford to meet their basic needs in a given location they often move to places where the economy is better. This weakens the local economy when they move out because there are fewer people supporting local commerce. It may weaken the local economies into which they relocate by flooding the labor pool (which drives down wages), increasing housing costs and burdening local social services. Making sure working families can meet their basic needs is not just the right thing to do, a stable labor pool is critical to local economies. That’s why government programs to financially supplement the labor pool, especially during economic downturns, are so essential. When businesses fail to pay employees enough that they are financially self-sufficient, government programs step in to help with housing costs, food stamps, medical costs, etc.

For the past 40 years wage growth has been nearly flat. Consider the impact this has on government spending and government revenues. Each year the cost of food, housing, and other basic necessities rises. This means that living wage rates rise faster than our actual earnings. When worker compensation remains flat, income tax revenue remains flat as well. At the same time, the number of families in need of government financial assistance grows.

Think about how much more federal revenue there would be if the median family income today was $100,000 per year instead of nearly half that amount. Imagine how much less the government would have to spend shoring up low wage workers. If wages had continued to rise on par with productivity over the past 40 years our median income would far exceed current living wage levels.

The case for a living wage has been around for a long time. In 1891 Pope Leo XIII first described a living wage in terms that could be generalized and applied in nations throughout the world. He said, "Wealthy owners of the means of production and employers must never forget that both divine and human law forbid them to squeeze the poor and wretched for the sake of gain or to profit from the helplessness of others."

Even Adam Smith was a supporter of living wages. He viewed them as a way to achieve economic growth and equity. In his Wealth of Nations, Smith recognized that the rising real wages lead to the "improvement in the circumstances of the lower ranks of people" was an advantage to society. According to Smith, the government should align the interests of those pursuing profits with the interests of the labor force in order to grow the nation’s economy. Smith argued that high wages lead to higher productivity and overall growth. In this way, he linked higher wages with increased productivity. For much of our history, this alignment has been evident.

Below is a graph prepared by the Secretary of Public Welfare for the State of Pennsylvania. It was designed to show how government financial aid is uneven along the earned income continuum producing illogical "welfare cliffs". However, the graph also reveals the great extent to which working families need government assistance to bridge the gap between what they make and what they need. The entire area to the left of earned income represents the gap between living wage compensation and what families actually earn.

Some examples here might be useful. First, consider a case where a Pennsylvania company hires a single mom and pays her the federal minimum wage, $7.25 per hour. Working 40 hours per week, 52 weeks per year, she would gross approximate $15,000 per year. Subtract income taxes and payroll taxes and she would clear about $13,000 per year. Using the Welfare Benefits and Wages graph above we see she would require an additional $42,000 per year in government subsidy to meet her family's basic needs.

The only reason her employer can pay her minimum wage and count on her coming to work every day is that so much tax money is spent to supplement her wages. If there were no aid to the working poor her employer would have little choice but to pay this woman a living wage. In this sense, all government aid to the working poor is really a hidden tax break for businesses.

For another example, consider a family of four living in Harrisburg, PA, making a living wage. Using the Living Wage Calculator we find that the living wage in Harrisburg is approximately $51,000 per year. This corresponds to about $24 per hour (more than 3 times the minimum wage). Subtract payroll and income taxes from the living wage and this family's net income is around $38,000 per year. Using the PA Welfare Benefits and Wages graph above it appears that this family might still need some assistance paying for child care if both parents worked, and possibly for health care as well. However, if increases in hourly compensation had kept pace with hourly productivity over the last forty years this same family would be earning more than $100,000 per year. They would be contributing to state and federal revenue rather than being a drain on tax revenue.

If wages had doubled since 1977 (productivity rose 1.5 times) median family wages would be closer to $48 per hour and as many as 50 million American's who now receive subsidy would instead be contributing to federal revenues. It is about time we began pressing the case for passing a living wage law.

Below you will find a living wage calculator. Developed by Dr. Amy K. Glasmeier and Pennsylvania State University, the calculator estimates the hourly wages a person needs to meet their basic human needs. The calculator estimates living wages for each state or county, and many municipalities, in the United States. Check out what a living wage looks like near you.

Introduction to the Living Wage Calculator

In many American communities, families working in low-wage jobs make insufficient income to live locally given the local cost of living. Recently, in a number of high-cost communities, community organizers and citizens have successfully argued that the prevailing wage offered by the public sector and key businesses should reflect a wage rate required to meet minimum standards of living. Therefore we have developed a living wage calculator to estimate the cost of living in your community or region. The calculator lists typical expenses, the living wage and typical wages for the selected location.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Economy and Society Benefit When Poor Families Have More to Spend

by Brian T. Lynch, MSW

Enhancing the human dignity of employment is an obvious, self-evident social benefit of raising minimum wages. It is both empowering and ennobling when breadwinners are able to provide for the needs of their family on their own, without government or extended family supports. This is reason enough to enact a living wage law. The minimum fair exchange for a full-weeks work ought to be a self-sufficient minimum wage. The burden for this minimum standard of living should rightly be on employers and not on the taxpayers who currently help support full-time low wage earners.

Corporations and business owners enjoy the benefits of government-subsidized labor and don’t want to give it up. Most of their arguments opposing higher wage standards rely on business-friendly economists whose academic theories and scholarly studies plum the detrimental impacts on businesses from higher labor costs. It is current practice to treat workers as a labor commodity separate from workers and their families as consumers and social beings with basic human needs. It is also current practice to take a business view of the economy without consideration of the broader context of the overall social economy within which commerce operates. All this results in flawed and biased arguments against self-sufficient minimum wages.

The overall beneficial impacts of increasing the purchasing power among poor families are rarely studied. Now a major new study has found that the ripple effects when direct, substantial cash assistance is given to poor families have, “… large positive spillovers on non-recipient households and firms, and minimal price inflation. The researchers in this large-scale experiment in Kenya estimated that a direct cash payment of $1,000 US dollars to poor families within randomly selected communities resulted in a local fiscal multiplier of 2.6 times within the local communities.

In addition to measured improvements in the welfare of the children and families who received an infusion of cash, the experiment reinforced the relationship between income and increased consumption to the benefits of both businesses and the families who did not receive cash payments. Here is an excerpt from the study:

“A large-scale cash transfer program in rural Kenya led to sharp increases in the consumption expenditures of treated households, and extensive broader effects on the local economy, including large revenue gains for local firms (that line up in magnitude with household consumption gains), as well as similar increases in consumption expenditures for untreated and treated households approximately a year and a half after the initial transfers. Local firms do not show meaningful increases in investment, and there is minimal local price inflation, with quite precisely estimated effects of far less than 1% on average across a wide range of goods.” [snip]... The consumption expenditures of untreated households and firms rise substantially in areas receiving large cash transfers…”

The infusion of cash payments to poor families in the study did not come from employers, and the economy of Kenya is very different than the economy here in the US. Directly extrapolating the results isn’t possible. Nevertheless, these findings are hopeful. The high fiscal multiplier stimulus effect on local businesses from increased consumption by poor families appear to mirrored results found here within states and municipalities that have raised minimum wage standards. While the burden of cash transfers from higher minimum wages is on businesses, the literature I’ve seen so far suggests there is still a positive fiscal multiplier within the business community coupled with little increase in unemployment and negligible increases in inflation.

A broader look at the spillover effects of increased base wages might show similarly positive results for the business economy and those workers who are already self-sufficient wage earners. Future studies of communities where the wage base is improved should also look at the wellbeing and overall welfare of children living in low wage households as well as the social wellbeing of the wage earners themselves.


Further Reading

Debunking the Myth That It's Your Fault You're Poor

Myth Busting Data RE: Minimum Wage Increases


Researchers Find A Remarkable Ripple Effect When You Give Cash To Poor Families
